Tripod: Training for Creative social Action


Get in touch to discuss how we can support your grassroots collective, campaigning organisation,
co-op, community group or charity.

Tripod trainers and facilitators are now open to requests for support. Get in touch to see if we can support your group, or put you in touch with someone who can.

Unfortunately, we always have more requests than we have time for, so please bear with us. As a guide, we generally need at least 4-6 weeks’ notice, ideally longer, especially for in-person work.

We also are connected to a load of other great training and support organisations, see our resources page.

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Keep in Touch

Find out about upcoming trainings and news from the collective by signing up to our newsletter!

If you would like to be in touch about anything else. please email us

Tripod: Training for Creative Social Action, registered as Tripod Ltd, is a company limited by guarantee. Scottish Company number SC359892